During the first four years of this decade, the only variable that has remained the same is the disruption for company leaders in different business sectors. The pandemic, wars, climate change, artificial intelligence, the political and social reorganization of countries have been, among others, some of the great challenges faced by decision makers within organizations. The competition to consolidate in current markets, the challenges of entering new countries have caused leaders to make changes in their strategy such as the consolidation of their key businesses and the divestment of those that are not, the acquisition of companies (brands) that strengthen their portfolios, merger of companies where the cultural challenge of which of the two cultures will prevail or the emergence of a new hybrid culture; the bankruptcy of companies that in their environment could not, did not know how or did not want to make the changes that the market demanded from them. In order to face these scenarios, changes are required in the management, and operational team.
Those responsible face these changes with optimism in some cases and with suspicion in others, due to the challenges they imply, such as:
The coexistence of three and even four different generations within the same company
Some distrust so many changes, others see it as the correct path to follow, and the rest only see the change to benefit their interests and not those of the company.
Personal and career plans
The retirement project vs. the recent graduate who owns his time, the workaholic and who does not give another minute of her/his time; the one who dreams of being the CEO no matter who they have to trample along the way, and there will always be those who only want a stable job.
Fixed and variable compensation
The financial reward for reaching and exceeding the goals and/or the pat on the back; those bonuses that are the envy of some, and the reason for the effort of others. “He earns more from commissions than from a fixed salary”, and the ones who claim the difference between those who earn more and those who earn less should not be greater than 20x.
Office work and remote work
Those who go to the office every day because they do not know how to do it any other way and those who prefer not to waste time in transit for X+ hours to better use it in their work; people who like “all-paid” work trips even though a video conference is more practical and economical; others who work at home without having the space or the appropriate tools, but had to accept the corporate decision.
Commitment to work
From people committed “body and soul”, to those who only favor their particular interests; Leaders who encourage their employees to give their all (rewarded), but others who are bosses and squeeze every last drop of sweat out of their employees.
A company for all professional life; loyalty vs ability
Is the constant change of employment for a growth that companies do not offer a sign of instability, of inadaptability? Company and employee reputation bureau?
Digital nomads
Today they work on a project for a company, tomorrow on another, but they achieve their goals and are accessible for meetings; What happens to those who cover their regular work hours in the office but are like ghosts when it comes to giving the results and hide behind the organization?
From experience to cutting-edge technology
Some people who know the past and present of the market and the ones who warn of the future; “don’t move him like that, it has worked for us” vs the blue ocean.
This is how complex the world of work is to date and for Specialized Executive Search Firms, 2025 is seen as a wide range of issues and variables that must be addressed, understood, prioritized and resolved in favor of clients and candidates. to find and place that piece of the puzzle that is missing among the thousands of options that represent the complex world of professionals and companies.
Article written by Jorge Segovia, CFR Global Executive Search Mexico
Photo source: Pexels Publicatie datum: 27 november 2024